
Message from the President

Ms. Bliss Seepersad

I am extremely excited and indeed my pleasure to welcome you to our new official Trinidad Building and Loan (TBLA) website.

As outlined in our vision, “TBLA is a dynamic organisation, providing easy access to home mortgage financing”.  Our mission is, “to enable you to own and renovate or improve your existing property, by providing easy access to mortgage financing”.

The website offers an opportunity to interact with our members and the general public. The website is an information portal, which is interactive and engaging with current news on mortgages and investments.

The information presented is to entice you to find out more on TBLA products and services and to have the details readily available at your finger tips with 24 hour access.

The website presents an efficient, streamlined online service to our members and potential members, ensuring TBLA keeps at the forefront of technology.

The website has an About Us Section, Board of Directors, Management Staff and Teams, Mortgages and Investments Section, relevant forms, frequently asked questions and much more.

Although, the website will assist you with any questions you may have or information you may need, we still look forward to hearing from you, so please do not let this deter you from contacting us.

Ms. Bliss Seepersad

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TBLA Mortgage Calculator

Feel free to fill out the form below to get an idea of your Monthly Payments, Total Payments and Total Interest that will be paid.